Though receiving medical treatment after you’ve been involved in an accident may seem unnecessary, it’s important to understand that it’s in your best interest to do so. Even if you feel okay, some injuries may not immediately present, so a doctor can adequately assess and treat them. Additionally, they will give you orders to help your healing journey. Following the doctor’s orders is critical for several reasons. If you’re thinking about filing a lawsuit but don’t think it’s necessary to adhere to the medical advice you received, you’ll want to keep reading. The following blog explores why this is imperative and how a Sacramento personal injury lawyer can help you through these complicated issues.
How Soon After an Accident Should I Seek Medical Attention?
Generally, it is in your best interest to seek medical attention immediately after an accident. For example, if you are involved in a car accident, you should seek medical care at the scene of the accident. The emergency medical technicians can examine you and help treat any immediate injuries you’ve endured.
However, some people believe they are okay, and do not seek medical attention at the scene. Unfortuantely, they may experience symptoms later, as some injuries do not immediately present themselves. As such, it’s recommended to see a doctor within 72 hours of the accident, if you were not treated at the scene.
Why Is It Necessary to Follow Medical Advice After an Accident?
Following the medical advice provided to you by the doctor treating you is imperative for several reasons. First and foremost, your doctor is an experienced medical professional, so adhering to their advice ensures your health and well-being. Though it may be frustrating to avoid doing the things you usually do and feel okay to do, it’s imperative to rest if ordered to do so to give your body time to heal from the trauma it endured fully. Failure to adhere to the orders of your doctor can result in prolonged pain and chronic issues as a result.
It’s also critical to adhere to the advice of your doctor if you plan on filing a lawsuit against the negligent party. The insurance adjusters for the defendant will do everything possible to avoid paying you for the actions of their client. As such, they will carefully investigate to determine whether or not your injuries are serious. So, if your doctor orders you to avoid lifting anything heavier than 10 pounds for three months, but the adjusters see you carrying a 50-pound bag of dog food inside your home two weeks after the accident, they can hold this against you. They will claim that the injuries you endured were not as severe as you claim, since you did not need to follow the orders of your doctor. As a result, the value of your claim can drastically drop.
As you can see, fighting for the compensation you deserve starts by ensuring you receive adequate and prompt medical care. If you need assistance in these matters, the team at the Law Offices of Dale R. Gomes can assist you. Connect with our firm today to learn how we can guide you through these complicated matters.